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National Taiwan University (NTU)

The appeal of National Taiwan University (NTU) stems from its harmonious blend of natural and human environments, its unwavering pursuit of truth through academic inquiry, and its responsible commitment to society. Established during the Japanese colonial era in 1928, NTU comprises 16 colleges, 58 departments, 146 graduate institutes, and over 100 research centers. Among the newest additions is the Graduate School of Advanced Technology (GSAT), established in 2021 to bolster the advancement of key industries.


At GSAT, we are at the forefront of academic and intellectual exploration with four core fields and eight programs: Integrated Circuit Design and Automation (MS, Ph.D.), Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Hetero-integration (MS, Ph.D.), Nanoengineering and Nanoscience (MS, Ph.D.), and Precision Health and Intelligent Medicine (MS, Ph.D.). We offer various forms of financial support, including scholarships for elite master's and Ph.D. candidates. Whether through teaching, research, or innovation, we extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in our pursuit of knowledge.

Program information

Program in Integrated Circuit Design and Automation


M.S./ Ph.D.


Taipei City, Taiwan

Program Introduction

Aiming at the booming emerging application fields, such as 5G/6G, automotive electronics, artificial intelligence, medical electronics, and information security, the research themes of the ICDA program include (1) integrated circuit design: digital circuit design, artificial intelligence, analogy/ mixed-signal circuit design, in-memory computing, RF front-end circuits, and software-defined hardware, etc., and (2) electronic design automation: AI for EDA, EDA for AI, heterogeneous integration, and emerging technology EDA.


Program in Semiconductor Devices, Materials, and Hetero-integration


M.S./ Ph.D.


Taipei City, Taiwan

Program Introduction

The courses planned in the program combine modern device physics and material science to provide the comprehensive courses, including solid-state physics, semiconductor device physics, semiconductor process technology, material thermodynamics, advanced quantum technology and applications, advanced memory technology, advanced material analysis, and testing technology, etc.


Program in Nanoengineering and Nanoscience


M.S./ Ph.D.


Taipei City, Taiwan

Program Introduction

The program is positioned as an industry-oriented master's degree program and dedicated to the innovation and application of nanoengineering and technology. The program divides the fields of nanoengineering and science into the following three sub-fields: 

  1. Low-Dimensional semiconductor research
  2. Nanoengineering and Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
  3. Advanced process and precision measurement


Program in Precision Health and Intelligent Medicine


M.S./ Ph.D.


Taipei, Taiwan

Program Introduction

The PHIM program aims to cultivate talent with expertise in developing precision medical technology from the perspectives of big data, intelligent medical devices, and clinically-initiated medicine. To promote cross-disciplinary research and foster connections with the biotech and semiconductor areas, the program focuses on the following fields:

  1. Precision medicine,
  2. Advanced medical imaging,
  3. Innovative medical devices and genomics.

Scholarship or others

Master students in the first and second year with a full-time student status. The student should have an above 3.7 average GPA or rank in the top 50% in the class.


Scholarship for Elite Master Students:

  • Full stipend: NTD 240,000 per academic year
  • Partial stipend: NTD 120,000 per academic year

 Note: Students are required to re-apply the scholarship after an academic year.


Ph.D. students in the first, second, and third year with a full-time student status. The student should have an above 3.7 average GPA or rank in the top 50% in the class.


Scholarship for Elite Doctoral Students:

  • Full stipend: NTD 600,000 per academic year
  • Partial stipend: NTD 300,000 per academic year
  • Tuition waiver: Stipend recipients may receive full or partial tuition waiver after being reviewed by the Committee.

Note: Students are required to re-apply the scholarship after an academic year.

