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National Pingtung University

National Pingtung University (NPTU) is located in Pingtung City, which is seated in the southernmost of Taiwan. Pingtung County is a business and industrial center, and it is also one of Taiwan's major zones of agricultural production.

NPTU is established in August 1, 2014, merging from National Pingtung University of Education (NPUE) and National Pingtung Institute of Commerce (NPIC). NPTU inherits the rich teaching and research potentials in the fields of technological and vocational education, comprehensive higher education, and normal education. NPTU commits itself to building up a university of excellence in teaching and specialization in research, which responds to the trends in modern higher education. NPTU has 6 Colleges, including College of Education, College of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Management, College of Computer Science and International College. With inherited excellent capacities from NPUE and NPIC, NPTU is regarded as a great university for developing professional talents to meet the demands from industries and country.

Program information

ISMART program (ASE x Master’s program in Department of Applied Physics)


Bachelor’s degree


Pingtung City, Taiwan

Program Introduction

The ISMART program is a collaboration between the Department of Applied Physics, NPTU, and ASE. The program welcomes students with a bachelor's degree to apply for the Master's program in Applied Physics. Upon graduation, students are expected to work at ASE in Taiwan for at least two years. Admitted students will be required to sign a contract with NPTU and ASE.

During the studies, the Taiwanese government will provide selected students with tuition subsidies, and ASE will offer them a living allowance. After two years in the program, ASE will select outstanding graduates to work with them. This program provides applicants with both educational and employment opportunities.

Scholarship or others

Bachelor's degree related to the semiconductor industry



  1. Applicants shall have obtained a Bachelor's degree.
  2. The degree or academic performance must be related to the semiconductor industry.
  3. Applicants are required to submit English proficiency certificate at a level of B1 (CEFR) or higher, such as TOEIC 550. The certificate must be issued by an authorized organization.
  4. Submit eligible application documents, such as application form, transcript, diploma, letter of recommendation, study plan, certificate of English language proficiency., financial statement, etc

Scholarship content

  1. A maximum limit of NT$9,000 for an economy class one-way ticket on direct flights. 
  2. Tuition and miscellaneous fees (up to 2 years): Provided by the Taiwanese government, with a maximum limit of NT$50,000 per semester. 
  3. Monthly living allowance of NT$ 10,000 (up to 2 years). Provided by cooperating companies, such as ASE.
  4. Please note that during students’ period of study, students receiving government and corporate industry-academic grants are obligated to work in Taiwan for a certain period after graduation. Specifically, recipients of industry-academic grants are required to fulfill a 2-year work obligation with the sponsoring enterprise, such as ASE. 

